Jun 23, 2024

Weekly preview

The potential impulse was busted again. We have two legs zig-zag and completed double zig-zag for the second leg. All this at week 12 - SPX is running since mid-2022 with strange rhytm average 12+-1 week cycle highs... probably shorter 20w cycles.
Either this is the top or mirror image of the previous leg mid-April to mid-May and something like double top. The cycle could be 12 or 14 weeks it vary 1-2 weeks... so we wait to see what happens next week.

Trading trigger - buy signal.
Analysis - important top 18m high, which could be the price high for the 4y cycle.
P.S. - for a trade both analysis and trigger should point in the same direction.

Short term - from the late May low we have completed double zig-zag. Equal length for the two zig-zags was reached this week. Either this is the top or mirror image of the previous leg mid-April to mid-May and something like double top.

Intermediate term - double zig-zag and topping similar to 2021 with RSI/MACD divergences on all time frames daily/weekly/monthly. Other indices like NYSE/DJ/SPXEW are not following - sideways corrective move in June.

Long term - double zig-zag(from 2020) for y/B at 9y cycle high 2000-2007-2015-2024.

Market Breadth Indicators - no, change, weak with divergences.
McClellan Oscillator - below zero.
McClellan Summation Index - sell signal.
Weekly Stochastic of the Summation Index - sell signal.
Bullish Percentage - in the middle of the range.
Percent of Stocks above MA50 - in the middle of the range.
Advance-Decline Issues - in the middle of the range.
Fear Indicator VIX - turned higher.

Short term cycles - 20d high and next week we should see 20d low. Possible intermediate term high extended 10w or shorter 20w cycle what ever it is.

At 18m high, the cycles 10w/20w/40w deviate from the usual length... if the indices continue with this rhytm we should see 18m low short before the US elections.
Pretty consistent cycle highs every 12+-1 weeks... now at week 12 from the previous high. Maybe shorter 20w cycles or 40w cycle dividing in three not two.


  1. Thanks, what do you think on TLT

  2. clearly market action doesnt look impulsive to the downside. if at all we may be forming a declining wedge/ed that could bottom in couple of days. but unless we see a breakdown action still looks bullish and the energizer bunny is still alive. will see.


    1. If we go lower overnight it will look like a leading diagonal on futures

    2. i think we will have a gap up open that will be sold later in the day. regardless this whole action so far looks like consolidation, i dont see any breakdown so far


  3. krasi do you see a new ath on spx coming soon as part of a final w5 blowoff top or is this a waveB retrace after a lame waveA we had last few days which would be a mega distribution before the decline ? very frustrating tape.. thank you


    1. The current move up looks like corrective b-wave. DJ with impulse lower and corrective move higher, NDX weaker so the odds are higher for move lower.... after that we will see.

  4. One more high, it goes up of the bull flag

  5. Replies
    1. clear triangle on es but a triangle can be a w4, wB or an ending pattern as well. i guess gdp today and pce tomorrow will clarify it.


    2. i think we may have a blowoff into next week holidays before lights out


    3. If it completed today tomorrow should be down. The first impulse was down so according to EW it should continue down. But who knows? If we're up tomorrow then we'll get the wave 5 for sure into next week. Tomorrow will be important either way.
